Founded in 2011 following 6 years of R&D work at the CEA Leti in Grenoble, this 100-person strong startup is accelerating its development and staying true to its roots in Grenoble.
After inaugurating its first R&D site in Echirolles (a suburb to the south of Grenoble) at the end of 2019, Aledia is already planning to ramp up its activity. It has announced the creation of new, 52,000m² production site dedicated to its LED technology and located in Champagnier, a town to the south of Grenoble, and not far from the original R&D center. The company projects the creation of 550 new jobs within 4 years, with an initial investment of €140M. The size of this investment will allow Aledia to project itself as one of the future giants of the LED screen industry, a $120B/year market that the startup hopes to radically change thanks to its unique technology – a technology protected by over 100 patents.
A decision motivated by the presence of the local innovation community and also by the support from local government.
For Giorgio Anania, CEO of Aledia, “Grenoble is one of the best places in the world for semiconductor technologies – all the biggest international clients come through here.” His reason for choosing Grenoble Alpes to set up Aledia’s factory: “the proximity with the CEA Leti labs and the entire Grenoble research ecosystem“… “Here we have everything...”
Beyond Grenoble Alpes’ potential for innovation and its talent, Aledia has been supported by the local government in its quest to expand. To begin the first portion of the construction, a €12M loan guarantee was split between Grenoble Alpes Metropole, the Region Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes and the Departement of Isère, opening the possibility for a €40M building loan. Giorgio Anania confirmed, “In terms of cost and timing, Grenoble gave us the best offer. Investing money is always a risk, and here we had a lot of support, whereas in Asia we would not have had so much support behind us!”