Grenoble Alpes:
game-changing medical & biological technologies

A major hub for medical technologies

Located at the heart of France’s #2 region for patent applications and healthcare companies, Grenoble Alpes has developed robust medtech and healthcare industries thanks to:

x the CHU Grenoble Alpes, a university hospital and leading center for neurology and traumatology
x a large concentration of public and private research institutes
x leading international corporations (Becton Dickinson, Roche Diagnostics France, Medtronic, BioMérieux, Johnson&Johnson, Fresenius Kabi, Stryker and Trixell)
x  over 100 SMEs and about 90 startups in the medtech industry

Collectively, this represents 11,800 jobs – 2,300 of which in public research. It also represents over 200 companies and labs.

A scientific hub defined by disruptive innovation

Grenoble Alpes’ unique interdisciplinary approach draws on its excellence in medicine, biology, chemistry, math, physics, computer science and, of course, micro and nanotechnologies. This approach has created a favorable environment for the development of new therapeutic approaches, from the molecular level all the way up to the invention of new medical devices.

Reputed as a pioneer in computer-assisted medical interventions, Grenoble Alpes has also proven to be a leader in the development of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics, drug delivery systems, biomedical engineering, health informatics, medical imaging, surgical robotics, telehealth and home health care.

santé pharmacie biologie medical

Medtech & biotech: industries with complete and coordinated value chains

Grenoble’s medtech and biotech industries have built themselves around the city’s extensive research and private sectors, taking advantage of a dynamic academic environment along the way. This has led to the commercialization of countless new innovative solutions.
The presence of international corporations, innovative startups and a multitude of lab spin-offs, has boosted the industry’s growth. Today, Grenoble Alpes boasts a unique expertise in structural and molecular biology.

biotech medtech

MEDYTEC, a place for connecting the dynamic healthcare industry

A network of professional organizations unite Grenoble Alpes’ healthcare community. One such organization, Lyonbiopôle, is an international competitive business cluster specialized in the fight against infectious diseases and cancer in humans and animals. It counts on the complementary skills available in Lyon and Grenoble. Another such organization, Medic@lps, is a Grenoble-based business cluster geared towards economic development of medtech companies.

Rounding out this network of partners: a digital cluster (Minalogic), a cancer center (CLARA), the CEA, the CHU Grenoble Alpes, the Université Grenoble Alpes, an association dedicated to computer-assisted medical interventions (ECCAMI), the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional government, and Grenoble Alpes’ local Metropolitan government.

Recently, these partners joined forces to create Medytec, a space for healthcare industry events and meetings. The goal of Medytec is to highlight the sector’s excellence and connect partners within the industry. The creation of Medytec is one of the first steps in an ambitious project to dedicate an entire geographic zone in the heart of Grenoble Alpes to startups, SMEs and healthcare companies.


x CHU Grenoble Alpes
x Clinatec
x EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)
x ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
x IAB (Institute for Advanced Biosciences)
x IBS  (Insitute of Structural Biology)
x ILL  (Institut Laue-Langevin)
x INRIA (institute for biocomputing research)
x INSERM  (National Institute of Health and Medical Research)
x Institut des Neurosciences de Grenoble
x TIMC  (Complex Medical Engineering Techniques)
x Université Grenoble Alpes

x Université Grenoble Alpes – Medical and pharmaceutical degree programs (5,000 students), Health Engineering and Medicine development, Information health systems engineering. Doctoral schools in Chemistry and Life Sciences (EDCSV), healthcare engineering, cognition and the environment (EDISCE).
x GEM – Specialized Master in biotechnology management
x Grenoble INP, Phelma – Biomedical engineering degree

x CLARA – Lyon-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cancer center
x EIT HealthEuropean organization dedicated to European health challenges
x LyonBiopole – International competitive business cluster dedicated to health and pharmaceuticals
x MEDICALPS  – Health technology cluster in the Alps
x Minalogic – Digital technologies cluster. The technologies and services developed by this cluster address all sectors of activity: health, energy, industry…
x TASDA – Brings together a collection of actors working on positive ageing through the development of new technologies, their use in home health and the management of ageing at home
x MIAI Grenoble Alpes – Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence
x Medytec – Space for healthcare industry events and meetings


employees in the healthcare industry
Over 200 health care companies
CHU Grenoble Alpes, ranked 2nd in France in neurology and traumatology
More than €500 M raised by healthcare startups since 2000



With over 75,000 jobs in the private sector and a high concentration of established industry leaders, Grenoble Alpes has been attracting businesses and talents from around the world for decades. The city stands out in a number of domains thanks to its dynamic startups (among the most innovative in France), its local university (ranked among the world’s top 150 universities), and its collection of cutting-edge laboratories and international research centers, which span all types of research, from fundamental to applied.

With over 75,000 jobs in the private sector and a high concentration of established industry leaders, Grenoble Alpes has been attracting businesses and talents from around the world for decades. The city stands out in a number of domains thanks to its dynamic startups (among the most innovative in France), its local university (ranked among the world’s top 150 universities), and its collection of cutting-edge laboratories and international research centers, which span all types of research, from fundamental to applied.