The international journal Nature explains how Grenoble has mastered industry–academia science collaborations

The journal Nature explains how Grenoble has mastered industry–academia science collaborations

In the summer of 2022, a English journalist contacted our Invest in Grenoble Alpes team  to write a long dossier on Grenoble for the scientific journal Nature the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal.

His article aimed to describe the main scientific and research activities in the city, both academic and industrial, employment opportunities, industry-academia collaborations and include small profiles of some early career researchers doing interesting work in the city. After we gave him a lot of information about the territory, and put him in touch with other people to talk about Grenoble, a superb article appeared in the newspaper several months later.

You can consult it here in three parts:

How Grenoble has mastered industry–academia science collaborations.
Despite its small size, the French city’s long history of science and business means it punches above its weight in scientific output.

How I turn greenhouse gas from landfill sites into carbon-neutral fuel
Mathieu Lefebvre discusses his innovative company and what it is like to work in Grenoble, France.

 Medical research in the mountains
Cécile Moro studies the use of near-infared light to treat Parkinson’s disease in the French Alps.