Exploring business opportunities in a French innovative ecosystem: a look back to Grenoble Alpes International Bootcamp
Last week of November Grenoble Alpes welcomed around ten international entrepreneurs for an International Softlanding Bootcamp. This program was designed to let them discover both our outstanding innovation ecosystem and quality of life. It was organised in collaboration and as a side event of the High-Level Forum summit (the international network of innovation ecosystems).
This was the second edition of such a program, as a first similar bootcamp had been organised in February: the Skinnovation bootcamp.
A bootcamp for whom?
This bootcamp was dedicated to international startups. Nine registered and seven of them attended the event:
- Cloud4Feed: a Turkish startup which has developed a software based on AI dedicated to measure customer satisfaction.
- Disentra Technologies: a Romanian startup providing hardware services.
- EPI Green Vision: a Tunisian startup aiming at turning municipal solid wastes as well as plastic wastes into hydrogen.
- Ethicronics: this startup from the UK has developed a software to solve hardware problems (fake, compromised or unsustainable electronics).
- Neocarbons: a startup from Switzerland which transforms CO2 into bioproducts (proteins, oils, pigments, biofuels) using micro-algae.
- Scenario X: a Swiss company with an all-in-one AI-powered platform for banks and financial institutions to forecast economic scenarios.
- A project of climbing ropes recycling and especially polyamide recycling carried on by an entrepreneur from Chile.
What’s in the program?
A balanced combination between the High-Level Forum agenda and its own dedicated agenda.
Five key moments:
- A workshop hosted by Michele COLETTI, Teacher and Adviser on innovation management, systems and policies at Grenoble Ecole de Management, on “How to make the most of the Grenoble Alpes innovation ecosystem?”
- A first masterclass hosted by Richard KLIEMAN, Solicitor at Oriel Legal, on “Legal aspects of setting up a business in France”
- A second masterclass hosted by Elodie SOLLIER and Pierre ALFONSI, Consultants in Strategy and innovation funding at Benkei, on “Public financing in France”
- A third masterclass hosted by Florent GENOUX, Innovation Manager at BPI France, “BPI France overall presentation and focus on Grenoble area”
- A pitch session at the Tarmac incubator in front of local companies and economic stakedholders (Minalogic, Dynergie, Doliam, Cybersecura, BioEsol, TiHive): each participant had ten minutes to pitch and then answered questions asked by the audience. The pitch session ended with a networking lunch.
In addition to this program, the entrepreneurs were able to attend the High-Level Forum touristic tour, round tables, networking moments as well as a special visit (either the STMicroelectronics showroom or GEM Labs).
=> Download full program (Pdf – 2M)
FAISE: a soft-landing program dedicated to startups
The bootcamp has been organised as part of the FAISE soft-landing program. FAISE has been launched in 2020 by Invest in Grenoble Alpes in partnership with the Tarmac incubator and La French Tech in the Alps Grenoble. The objective is to support international startups interested in setting up in Grenoble Alpes by giving them all the necessary information they need regarding legal, financial, and cultural issues. But it takes also into account the personal aspects of such projects, as setting up abroad is not only a professional choice, it’s also a personal leap of faith.
Two bootcamps have been organised in 2023, many others are coming in the following years: please contact us if you are interested!